A new season brings a whole host of new opportunities to stretch yourself and make your health dreams come true. Your best foundation for change? A positive attitude. Try these four mind tricks for getting your brain onboard for your healthiest transformation yet.
1. Inspire yourself with morning gratitude. Most experts recommend to end the day reminding yourself of all the positive things in your life. I like to flip the model. I tell Smart Life clients to start the day thinking about what makes them happy, what they’re excited about and what goals they’ve already achieved. It’s a great way to kickstart the day’s success.
2. Make new connections. Spring comes, you’re often in the mood to go out and engage with the world. It’s the perfect time to join a new social group, take a new class or start a new project to renew your sense of commitment. Participating in new activities also keeps you busy, supported and less likely to dwell on what you’re eating. If you need motivation, ask a friend to join. Or, better yet, connect with an acquaintance you’d like to get closer to, especially someone who’s positive and uplifting.
3. Write down your health goals for Spring. All change, big and small, starts with intention. List all the things you want for yourself – weight loss, greater energy, more happiness, less stress. Imagine yourself as if they’re attained and keep them in the front of your mind throughout your day. The more connected you are to what you intend to create for yourself, the more likely you are to make smarter choices in every moment.
4. Take a page from Julia Cameron and start a Morning Pages habit. You know that time every morning when you’re half awake, half asleep and not quite fully conscious? That’s when you have access to your unconscious mind and inner workings. If you listen, they can guide you in your biggest transformation yet. The process is easy and takes only 3 to 4 minutes. Keep your journal by your bed and reach for it while you are still half asleep. Write down any memories you may have of your dreams. Next, write 10 things you’re grateful for from yesterday. Next, harness that stream of consciousness by writing one to two pages of whatever crosses your mind. You’ll get out those repressed thoughts so you can remind yourself that you’re not your thoughts and nothing can hold you back.